At the Water Cooler (ATWC1) – an eZine for writers of color was born in 2004. The concept was to aggregate and make available information and opportunities for writers of color.
The description read as follows:
“Ever notice that all the REALLY good information is shared at The Water Cooler? This one is no different. Stop, chat and drink in the plethora of markets for African-American Writers on offer and a few that aren’t specifically geared to African-American writers but are good opportunities…”
The first issue was released on October 25, 2004 to an audience of 27. Archived page on the wayback machine of the original site can be seen here.
The line up was as follows:
In this issue:
1. Whet Your Whistle (Editor’s column)
2. Questions and Answers
3. Thirst Quencher (Freelance Markets)
4. Water Break (Brag Section/Warnings about markets)
5. Tips from the Experts
6. Awards/Calls for Submissions/Contests
7. Events & Opportunities
8. Ads for Writers
Readership grew in the hundreds and a product that was appreciated was delivered. Two years ago, the company which hosted that mailing list and thirteen others I’d amassed, disappeared with my archives and list members. That was a devastating blow to me and it killed a large chunk of my enthusiasm. It also gave me needed time to think about my “model.”
Once I did I decided that I would do away with the “for writers of color” niche and switch to “anything book related” which I feel is more appropriate for where I am right now.
That being said, stay tuned for the new At the Water Cooler – #1 Book Info Spot! (It will be!)
Since this blog falls into the marketing niche the following is a necessary announcement:
In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that the books introduced/reviewed on this site are either personal purchases, left over inventory, discovered on the web or provided to me for free by the publisher, publicist or author of the book in exchange for an introduction and/or honest review. I am in no way compensated for any reviews on this site. I am an Amazon affiliate, so many links will direct you to Amazon. If you make any purchase through my link, I will receive a small commission.
Since this is a promotional site, paid Ad Spots or sponsored posts are also available on this site or another in our network of sites.
P.S. For strictly Christian books, check out my Divine Perspective blog. For dating and relationships on and off-line, check out my Age is Just a Number blog. For resourceful information about abuse, suicide or mental health issues, check out my Dee411 blog. For those suffering from cancer and their loved ones, check out my What Makes You Stronger blog. For introductions to books for the whole family by independently published and traditionally published authors, check out my BookZone blog. For a taste of my life as an author, speaker or vocalist, check out my official author site, For those curious about the publishing process, check out my Divine Truth Press blog.
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